
Macbeth Gender Roles Essay

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Gender roles and masculinity were major themes in Macbeth. It seemed to be that the man held all the power and that their word would be final. Yet, in many times throughout the play, we see that females may have the upper hand. “Hie thee hither, That I may pour my spirits in thine ear, And chastise with the valor of my tongue, All that impedes thee from the golden round” (Shakespeare 1.5 15-18). The decsisions that Lady Macbeth and the Three Witches make have a major outcome on the actions Macbeth would take to secur himself as the sole King of Scotland. Therefore, it is safe to say that the main female characters, Lady Macbeth and the Three Witches challenge the gender roles in Macbeth.

Lady Macbeth is a very significant figure in Macbeth who challenges her gender roles. As we read the play, Lady Macbeth’s influence on her husband at the beginning a very strong, and even though we do see her fade out towards the end. The prominence of the decisions she made, that would later become the actions of Macbeth, were important to the events of the play. Therefore, she challenges gender roles emotionally and …show more content…

You can focus on many of the main points in the play because there are many. In spite of that personally, the power that Lady Macbeth and the Three Witches made themselves known in fact that they have such strong personalities and characters, that can carry their own and in the perspective that was used in this paper; the play. With all of this information on gender roles and masculinity, it can still hold true that; that the main female characters, Lady Macbeth and the Three Witches challenge the gender roles in Macbeth. “This is what is so rarely said about unlikeable women in fiction — that they aren’t pretending, that they won’t or can’t pretend to be someone they are not.… They are, instead, themselves. They accept the consequences of their choices, and those consequences become stories worth reading.”

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