
Macbeth Gender Roles Essay

Decent Essays

Over centuries, people have fought for equal rights and have put in the effort to remove certain labels that are known to be sexist. In the tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare depicts and explores the idea of gender roles and the traditional sense of them. The typical gender norms in society are that men should be strong and fearless and women should be caring, nurturing, and fragile. However, in Macbeth, the reversal of gender roles plays around with the idea of the stereotypes set out in a particular situation. The way that he portrays certain characters and the way they act makes the audience question the long-established sexist ways and values. Although the book is somewhat discriminatory, it was only a representation of the mindset and …show more content…

Art thou afeard
To be the same in thine own act and valor
As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that
Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life,
And live a coward in thine own esteem,”
She asks him if he is the type of man who lacks courage and is afraid to act upon what he desires as well as questions their love in the process. By doing this, it was designed as a tactic to make Macbeth rethink his decisions and encourage him to go along with what she is asking of him.
Hecate and the witches play a pivotal role in this novel. They are directly and indirectly affecting and controlling Macbeth’s thoughts and actions. Secondly, men are presumed to not show weakness or emotion. This is because it is considered to bring out a ‘feminine side.’When Macduff hears about the slaughter of his family, his heart begins to fill with sorrow and grief. He begins to feel guilty and blame himself for bringing this upon his family and his people. In act 4, scene 3, Malcolm says “grief it like a man” which is a stereotypical caricature of the time for men were strong, fierce soldiers. Macduff then replies with
“I shall do so,
But I must also feel it as a man.
I cannot but remember such things

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