
Macbeth Research Paper

Decent Essays

To Conquer the Crown
Can pride and ambition excuse senseless murder? Recently, Macbeth ascended to the top of the hierarchy in just a short period of time. I suspect that his latest success is the result of dishonest methods employed to secure the throne. Rumors verify that Macbeth hosted Duncan in his residence at his time of death, met with instruments of supernatural forces, and lost all sanity during his banquet. I speculate that Macbeth and his wife hatched a plan to murder King Duncan to gain the power for themselves. Macbeth is guilty, and at the very least unfit to rule, because of his questionable ascension rise to the throne, information regarding Duncan’s death, and his inability to maintain mental stability.
Macbeth’s meeting with …show more content…

After returning from the war against Denmark, sources claim that Macbeth and his noble man Banquo allegedly contacted the followers of Hecate. His sudden rise to the throne links to his contact with the witches and may have influenced the fate of late King Duncan. Informants report that Banquo told Macbeth that sometimes “to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray's in deepest consequence” (1.3.135-137). Banquo refers to the witches as instruments because they are tools for destruction. In addition, he criticizes Macbeth for trusting the very forces that could lead to his downfall. He doubts the witches and believes that they plan to manipulate Macbeth into modifying his future. Even if their predictions weren’t correct, they may have been a prime factor in promoting Duncan’s assassination. These facts act as solid evidence to support the position that Macbeth utilized supernatural influence to gain power. Macbeth’s understanding of specific details regarding King Duncan’s death triggers suspicions about his intentions. After gaining the title of ‘Thane of Cawdor’, Macbeth formally invites the king to his …show more content…

When asked about his experience that night by Macduff, Macbeth states that seeing Duncan’s dead body provokes him take out his vengeance. Evidence indicate that he “repent [himself] of [his] fury” that pushed him to kill them (2.3.124-125). His lack of control and failure to decipher right from wrong may have caused the undoing of more than just the suspected killers. Coincidentally, he ignites suspicions that he provided a false account by failing to specify who “them” are. Macbeth could have meant the guards as well as Duncan, which would explain his detailed account of the experience. Since Macbeth failed to compose himself, he may have caused the reckless killing of everyone in the King’s quarters. Moreover, his passion for the King conflicted with his ambition to acquire the crown, which led to the downfall of late King

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