
Macbeth (Shakespeare) Character Description of King Duncan and Macbeth.

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One of the smaller, yet important, characters is King Duncan. Duncan is an intelligent, generous, trusting and simply, a good king. Especially his goodness contributed to the doubt of Macbeth to actually kill the king. Complimenting his companions for all their nobleness demonstrates Duncan 's love to the people around him and effects their compassion for him.

"O valiant cousin! Worthy gentlemen!" (Act I, Scene 2) is Duncan 's response to someone he barely knows and just explains what had happened during the battle and how Macbeth saved Duncan 's kingdom. Of course it is logical that Duncan is very content with the news of a victories view on the battle. However, to call someone a valiant cousin and a worthy gentlemen if he does not know …show more content…

When Duncan does announce that Malcolm should be king after his dead, Macbeth demonstrates to the audience that this means he needs to fight him as well. He thinks that "in my way it lies" (Act I Scene 4), it is his destiny to become king. But a couple lines before that he tells the king that the victory was his duty to the king. Clearly he does not have any problem by

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