
Maclemore Drug Abuse

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In today’s society, media plays a major role in the behavior of children and adolescents. Research shows that music videos can affect an adolescent’s behavior and attitude about drugs and violence. For example, "Increased television and music video viewing are risk factors for the onset of alcohol use in adolescents”. (Morin, 2015) Many music videos portray that drug use is acceptable without showing the consequences of drug abuse, which has a major impact on the youth. Musician and song writer, Macklemore has had many experiences with drug abuse and shared his story to influence people to overcome the battle with drug use. The video, “Macklemore on Drug Abuse” is a great way for people to talk about drugs and addiction and how to receive treatment. Many people see Macklemore as a role model, so this video helps to have a positive impact on someone who is going though drug abuse or use to be an addict. In the beginning of the video, Macklemore explains that the first time he drank alcohol was when he was fourteen years old. He stated that he went into his parent’s cabinet and drunk twelve shots of alcohol because he loved how it made him feel. Also, he stated that drinking at a young age was very harmful to his body because his body mass was too low to intake …show more content…

We learned that narcotics is divided into three categories, which is opium, opium derivatives and synthetic opiate. There are many different drugs that are included such as OxyContin, which is synthetic heroin. OxyContin has a major effects on the body such as sweating, euphoric feeling and slowed breathing, which are some of the effects that Macklemore explained in the video. (Fazekas, 2017) Macklemore explained that his father convinced him to go to rehab when he was twenty-five years old. He said that if it wasn’t for that conversation with his father then he wouldn’t be here today because he needed someone to motivate him in order to get

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