
Macy's Stock Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The stock I chose was Macy’s Inc., since during the month of July they were doing great and each stock was worth $24.20, highest it’s been for the past 3 months. While having to look at the changes on the stock for almost a month, I noticed that the price per stock was lowered each day after I chose to “buy” part of the stocks. The lows aren’t too low while the highs were always above 1%.
Although, we were asked to only keep track of the stock for a couple of weeks, I looked at the stocks part history to make sure I chose an appropriate choice. While mostly all my peers chose Apple or Google, I chose Macy’s since they’re a huge company with stores all over the world. I made the mistake to judge the stock from a month’s worth of data. During the month of July, the stocks were doing good and I chose 220 stocks at the price of $22.35, which I thought was a good deal. During the month of September which was the month I started checking on the stock, the value dropped immensely. On September 18, each stock was worth $20.10, with 220 stocks, the price was $495 than what was originally ‘payed’ for. …show more content…

In other words, If the stocks are bought when they’re in their lows at around $20 per stock, when it rises in the upcoming months they can be sold for more than their worth. These stocks won’t work for short-term investments since, the worth of the stocks keep lowering more would be lost than gain after having them for a couple of months. When I started looking at the stocks, they were worth $22.35 each and for 220, $4,917 and the closest to almost a month on October 10, each stock was worth $20.60, $1.75 dollars less don’t seem like much but out of 220 stocks, $385 were lost from the original buying

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