
Madoff's Spatial Separation From His Victims

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Next, Madoff’s scheme also included spatial separation from his victims. In this sense, Madoff was capable of committing his crime because he was never directly located near his victims during the time of the crime. He very rarely and almost never met his clients directly face to face. In fact, several individuals claimed to have never actually seen or met with Madoff during their time of business together. Because his crime occurred behind the locked doors of his own business victims never saw what Madoff was specifically doing with their money. The lack of detection through spatial separation allowed him to commit the scheme so precisely and for such a long period of time. The third property includes how Madoff used a superficial appearance of legitimacy. This includes how he made his scheme seem harmless and legitimate. There are several factors that fall into this category. First, Madoff …show more content…

The first property is known as deception. Deception is best explained as one individual misleading another individual into believing things are different than they actually appear. In other terms, deception is related to an inconsistency between something’s appearance and its reality. Bernie Madoff was constantly using deception throughout his scheme. Essentially, he was known as the deceiver, while the victims themselves were the deceived. For instance, Madoff would make false claims promising investors a 10-12% return rate for funds. While this may have appeared to be true to investors, what they did not know was that they were actually being paid with new investor’s funds. Therefore, what they had believed to be true was actually far different from the reality. In turn, he was able to lie, cover, and deceive victims into believing the near opposite of what was actually taking

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