
Magento Master Case Study

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Magento Master-Makers of 2016 you must follow Mubashir Ahmed Aug 17, 2016 Magento-master Magento has always been the centre of attention in eCommerce sector. Many experts in Magento development and even newbies are concerned about the top Magento influencers/developers to follow in order to stay updated with latest eCommerce trends. In order to maintain the quality of work, Magento introduced Magneto Master’s program which includes world’s leading Magento Makers, Movers and Mentors. Here are the details of Magento Masters-Makers that have contributed immensely to the Magento community. AntonioCarboni 1. ANTONIO CARBONI Meet Antonio, he is a certified Magento frontend developer. He Works at Cagliari in Sardinia and collaborates with different …show more content…

He usually spends his time on Magento Stack Exchange as well as StackOverflow. His has contributed on Magento Forums on a range of topics and has helped the Magento Community in India, helping him become Magento Master 2016. KubaZwolinski 8. KUBA ZWOLINSKI Meet Kubs, Founder & CEO of Snowdog, Silver Magento partner and Certified Front End Developer. He is the father of three amazing kids’ Whitewater, Kayker and Trail Runner. He is the organiser of annual international Meet Magento conference in Poland, an annual meet-up of Magento community and enthusiasts from all over the world. Kubs is translator and manager of Polish language pack in Magento 1 and 2. When it comes to working he is a dedicated professional. His contributions to Magneto have made him Magento Master of 2016. Conclusion The Magento community is enriched with people willing to help newbies and professionals. Thanks to Magento Masters program which revealed us the top Magento-Makers in Magento community. Magento Masters play a great role in building up a sustainable Magneto community. The contribution from every single person counts so if I missed someone, feel free to share your opinion in comments below. Your opinion can aid my

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