
Magic Of The Witch Trials

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Mankind has believed in magic since the very beginning, it has always been apart of any culture and many people continue to believe in it to this day. In the early days people believed in magic to make their lives better. They tried using magic to make their crops grow, to keep their families safe and happy, and to keep their houses warm during the long and unbearably cold winter. They believed that the use of magic could improve their lives greatly, but with the belief of magic came the terrifying thought of people using it against you. The thought of dark magic being used by witches swept across Europe that resulted into a mass panic that resulted into the deaths of over ten thousand people. And just when the panic was dying down around …show more content…

They would fly through the night on broomsticks, kidnap babies so they can eat them, and make animals and humans infertile and sick and soon kill them. The beginning of the witch craze began in Europe in the start of the mid 1300’s. Over a hundred thousand people were executed after being accused of witchcraft. Most of these people were women and it was most common for witch trials to happen in Central Europe, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Belgium. Executing witches only became practiced around the 18th century during this time. This is when accused witches would be burned at the stake. It was common for people to be alive while being burned but they were usually beheaded or strangled before their bodies were burned. The estimated amount of people burned during this time were about 20,000 people. The hunt for witches soon declined when people started to realize that they were going to far with the executions and they became fearful that innocent people were dying. The demand for more evidence when someone was accused became bigger and the executions decreased. But Salem, Massachusetts became victim to the trials soon after. In 1692, America was only a developing country that wasn’t even close to winning its freedom yet. Salem was a quiet little town resting in Massachusetts that was devoted to becoming a new, perfect society based on the bible’s teachings. Salem was

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