
Main Purpose Of The Market

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A market is actually a system where all the participants are engaged in exchanging goods, services or informations. The main purpose of these exchanges is the profit. A market is called efficient when supply and demand are equal and the price that the consumers pay for goods is equilibrium with the cost arising from producer 's economic activities.
There are some goods which are non exclusive and non-rival in consumption such as Safety and Environment. These are called Public goods.
However in shipping market participants are not reluctant to invest or to provide for measures on safety and environment as they will not have any profit which is the main purpose of the market.
When market fails to control abuses of monopoly power, fail to provide all the necessary public goods or fail to provide enough merit goods then it is called a 'market failure '.
The 'market failure ' led the state to intervene in international shipping in order to improve safety, protect the environment and increase market 's efficiency.
There are many economic theories regarding the State intervention, into the market and the concept of 'market failure '. This essay is analysing some of these theories in order to understand the rationale for the state intervention, especially in the market of international shipping and maritime transport. It is analysing also concepts of externalities which arise from market failure and the role of state in providing support to navigation through many different ways.

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