
Main Tenets Of Confucianism

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Confucianism began around 2500 years ago in China as the moral and political ideologies and philosophies of Kong Fuzi, known in the west as Confucius. Confucius believed there was a mandate from Heaven that we should spend our lives seeking knowledge and self-improvement not only for the benefit of ourselves, but also for society as a whole. As the individual strives to lead a life in the Confucian way, it radiates outward from self to family, friends, society, and the world in general. Confucianism is not a theistic religion as it does not have deities, but it does support ritualistic honoring of deceased ancestors and does have a concept of heaven. Confucius is not considered a god, but one who exerts considerable influence from where he can no longer be seen. The main tenets of Confucianism include a lifelong commitment to self-improvement and knowledge and the outward expression of that knowledge in honorable deeds and acts that encourage like behavior in others.

At the heart of Confucianism is the concept of Ren/Jen. This translates as humaneness, or benevolence between people. It suggests that behavior toward others comes from within, or as often said, from the heart. Confucianism does not encourage people to seek solitude or isolation as a pathway to heaven like some other religions, but instead strongly encourages close societal bonds. This innate connection begins with family, the core of society. Confucius believed that humans are born with empathy and a sense of

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