
Main Themes In Two Kinds By Amy Tan

Decent Essays

In the story “ Two Kinds” Amy Tan presents the theme ¨Be grateful for what you have when you have it because nothing is forever¨ through the main characters Ni kan and her mother and also through foreshadowing. Tan takes the reader through a story of a girl and her mother as they both individually learn a good life lesson. Ni kan is the main character Tan writes about who struggles with deciding who she really wants to be. The theme ¨Be grateful for what you have when you have it because nothing is forever.¨ is develop through that. Ni kan is forced to be this “prodigy” child, this perfect being, that her mother pushes her to be. She tried to be what seems like nearly everything starting at a Chinese Shirley Temple to a Piano Player. She …show more content…

Her mother is not given a name but is an important main character in this story. She supports the theme ¨Be grateful for what you have when you have it because nothing is forever ¨ by teaching Ni kan this lesson. Her mother is the lesson of this story. She tries so desperately hard to get Nikon to become a prodigy child. A prodigy, child is not the real thing she seems to be working for. She wants Ni kan to have a successful good life really. Tan states in the beginning of the story “Ni kan’s mother believed she could be anything she wanted to be in America. She could open a restaurant. She could work for the government and get better retirement. [Anyone] could buy a house with almost no money down. [Anyone] could become rich. [Anyone] could become instantly famous."Of course, She can be a prodigy, too," Mother told her when she was nine. "She can be best anything.” This is where Tan shows the very strictness of her character Ni kan’s mother. “America was where all Mother's hopes lie.” This image of America that Nikon's other has is no less than perfect. This is not something you can just come up with overnight it is a dream. Something her mother had been wishing for and dreaming of. It seems as if her mother had a dream that she was not able to accomplish in her life, it is as if she does not want Ni kan to miss out on anything. If she does have this amazing talent she wants Ni kan to take advantage of it, not …show more content…

The reader begins to notice this almost instantly. In the beginning one gets this strong, forceful feeling being pushed on Ni kan. When a person is being so forced to be a certain way one can expect a break in them. It is too much pressure to be a “type” so it can easily be predicted that something will happen with Ni kan. Something is going to make her want to rebel away. As she does, but maybe it was not in a good way, but she needed to know the other side. What life is like when you are not trying to be perfect all the time. At the end of the story one really gets the feel of this. Ni kan grew up different after the talent show. She changed entirely. The foreshadowing in the beginning helps us predict that. To conclude, in the story “ Two Kinds” Amy Tan presents the theme ¨Be grateful for what you have when you have it because nothing is forever¨ through the main characters Ni kan and her mother and also through foreshadowing. Ni kan and her mother each realize a valuable lesson throughout this short story. But when it is realized, it seems to be too

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