
Making It Possible to End Homelessness Essay

Decent Essays

Making It Possible to End Homelessness (MIPH) is a subgrantee’s of the HPRP program, which was created to help families gain housing stability in Middlesex county. The program was awarded $1.4 billion to service clients threatened with evictions. The program’s intent is to reduce homelessness by keeping families stably housed, connecting with mainstream benefits, and working on a stabilization plan to avoid homelessness in the future. However, the program is under pressure to spend more funding because it's quarterly report indicated that its not servicing enough clients. “As is the case with all direct spending programs, the fundamental issue facing the Congress each year concerning housing programs is how much funding to devote to this …show more content…

The HMIS entries indicated that the program is not helping enough clients, however, interns did not have access to HMIS for 5 months. According to GAO Reports(1999), the types of projects eligible for funding may be poorly matched to local needs, and differing eligibility and reporting requirements across agencies” (p.13). Therefore, many agencies, including MIPH, are not properly reporting data and assessing local needs appropriately as they should. In addition, HPRP is only paid when clients are assisted, but a lot of time was spent assessing clients only to determine that they were not eligible for assistance because they earned too much or their homes were above fair market value. Lack of staff, lack of HMIS access, lack of pre-screening efforts all indicate that the HPRP program is not servicing enough clients, which means they are not using enough funding as the program intended. The funding problem is acknowledged by staff, collaborators of Catholic Charities and Infoline, and clients. For instance, I have received several emails from grantee’s, who oversees HPRP spending, indicating that we are under target for January and Feb rent and that we should provide assistance to more HPRP clients (M. Hunter, personal communication, 1/28/11). In addition, I have other emails from my supervisor indicating that:

There have been a few new HPRP clients seen recently

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