
Making Love to the Mind: The Greatest Intimacy

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Sappho was exiled as a teenager to Sicily because of political reasons. Sappho was called a lyrist, because she performed her poems with lyre. Majority of Sappho’s poems reflect extreme, intense, feelings of desire. Sappho wrote poems about love, and most times her poems were directed towards other women. During the time period, in which Sappho lived, her poems were not considered bad because of the homosexual content she presented. The amount of tenderness, Sappho exuberates in her poetry, shows she’s a loving and caring person. Sappho’s poetry is veru heartfelt and honest that it must be her own personal feelings. Sappho’s writing is so vivid and descriptive, that drawing an imaginative visual would not prove difficult. Sappho also nurtured, taught, and empowered women. In her poems, Sappho sometimes treat women as objects of her affection. Sappho treated women: Passionately, affectionately, with high regard, and at times she treated women like sexual objects.
Sappho treated women passionately. Everything concerning women she had strong beliefs and feelings toward. In the fragment of a poem, “Fragment 48,” Sappho exclaims, strong emotional, passionate feelings of desire: “you came and I was crazy for you/ and you cooled my mind that burned with longing (Trans. Carson, Anne 472). In this poem Sappho writes that she is, “crazy for you,” which crazy is a strong, uncontrollable urge she has towards this person. In the second line of the poem she explains how she is burning

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