
Making The Colonization Of Mars A Near Reality

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Making the Colonization of Mars A Near Reality

Within the next few decades, humans will be found on another planet besides Earth. Nowadays, life on Earth is becoming so overpopulated that change needs to desperately occur. Not only that, but also there is the possibility that the sun will explode, an ice age will occur, or an asteroid will strike. There seem to be only two solutions to these problems: die off or go somewhere else. But where is there to go other than Earth? That answer is quite simple Outer space. This notion of traveling and living in outer space is becoming less and less trivial and more realistic as the years fly by. Due to all the scientific and technological advances we have today and the ones predicted to come …show more content…

On the other hand, it is way too hot for humans to live and surface pressures are so forceful that you would be crushed in an instant. So that leaves two choices left: the Moon or Mars? Well, the Moon isn’t a bad option. Humans have traveled there before, so why not stay there? The Moon’s surface is about the size of the continent of Africa. With our escalating population rate, there is no way everyone could possibly fit on the Moon. Additionally, their gravitational level is one-sixth the size of ours and their nights are equivalent to 14 Earth nights. That’s a lot of darkness. Nonetheless, this leaves us with one good option Mars. Mars has very similar characteristics to those of Earths’, which makes it the most promising and realistic hope for our future migration (Cutt). Due to Mars being chosen as the next best place to live, it would be helpful to gain some insight about the red planet before progressing about how to make living there possible. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun (the closest one to Earth) and has about the same amount of land as Earth. It also has several craters, volcanoes, and canyons on its surface, but no marshes or lakes. However, it has been observed that liquid water may have flowed across the planet from channels or valleys in the past. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, and has frequent, strong dust storms. This red dust is called regolith and it is full

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