
Malala Yousaf Hero Quotes

Decent Essays

Heroes have a very wide depiction in all of society, whether it be a superhero, a policeman, firefighter, of a soldier, but in some ways, a hero can be an ordinary person that you pass by on the street. Some people may be born with heroic traits naturally, and some may discover these traits through hardships or situations where a hero is needed. In a situation where a hero is needed, an ordinary person may step up and discover courageous traits that they never thought they had. A hero is somebody that will sacrifice their well-being for the well-being of others. A hero may also be somebody who steps up and speaks up for those in need.

An example of a hero that discovered his heroic traits when they were needed is “The Man in the Water.” This man was just a normal on a passenger in a very abnormal situation. In this article, in paragraph 5 it says “Only minutes before his character was tested, he was sitting in the ordinary plane among the ordinary passengers…” This quote shows that a hero can be among the people on your bus, airplane, or right next to you. Little did this mysterious man know, he would be saving people's’ lives in the next few moments. He probably had no idea that he had such heroic traits stored inside of …show more content…

A perfect example of this type of hero is Malala Yousafzai. Malala is a Pakistani teenager that was shot at by Taliban terrorists in her school bus along with her classmates. Malala thought this was very important to address and so she started speaking up. She started telling people about the unequal education in her country. Because of this, she gained a lot of attention and ultimately earned the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. Many young girls in all countries and specifically hers, may consider Malala a hero, because she brought more equal education rights to girls. Malala is a hero because she stands up for what is right and what she believes

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