
Malcolm Gladwell Complexity And The Ten Thousand Hour Rule Summary

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Malcolm Gladwell and the Ten Thousand Hour Rule When someone is passionate about something, it becomes their talent or hobby. If they want to pursue that and make it more than a talent or specialty, they might make it their career. One talent that can easily be turned into a career is writing. There are a countless amount people who are passionate about writing and become authors or writers. An author, in particular who is excellent at writing and great at constructing solid arguments, is Malcolm Gladwell. In “Complexity and the Ten Thousand Hour Rule”, author Malcolm Gladwell constructs his argument that in cognitively demanding fields there are no naturals, by using anecdotes, quoting experts, and providing statistics.
Malcolm Gladwell supports his claim that in cognitively demanding fields there are no naturals, by writing interesting anecdotes that show examples. For example, the article contains an anecdote in talking about how Mozart’s earliest works were not outstanding; his earliest masterwork was created when he was twenty one years old, showing he had already been practicing for ten years and he had to practice to create his masterwork. Gladwell argues that even Mozart was not a natural. According to Gladwell’s article, he shares a story about the Beatles and how they played eight hours every day for two hundred seventy nights over the course of a year and a half. This evidence shows that they practiced long hours, and when they got to the United States they

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