
Malcolm X Exploratory

Decent Essays

Explanatory Essay- Malcolm X and the Civil Rights debate
By: Righteous Allah-McCarroll

About 93 years ago one of America's greatest activist of their time was born with a destiny that would change the course of history. Just as the famous Martin Luther King Jr. he had a dream and he would stop at nothing to make sure it came true. Malcolm X, also known as Malcolm little was born May 19th of 1925 to Luise and Earl Little. Malcolm Little became Malcolm X after being arrested for robbery in the year 1946. He committed robberies to help support his siblings and help his mother. Malcolm X was the 4th of 8 children. He had a very rough childhood. Malcolm's family was constantly given a hard time particularly his father. After analyzing the arguments …show more content…

A group named the Ku Klux Klan often gave Malcolm and his family a hard time with a series of harassments dating back to before Malcolm X was alive. It is believed by some (and very strongly by Malcolm X) that Earl Little, Malcolm X’s father was murdered by members of the Black Legion, a KKK group. Yet, his death was ruled accidental due to the fact that many KKK members worked in the police force during this time period and could cover up evidence around certain cases. As Malcolm X once said “100 years ago they used to put on white sheet and use the bloodhound against negros. Today they have taken off the white sheet and put on police uniforms. They have traded in bloodhound fr policies dogs and their still doing the same thing. Just as Uncle Tom's { a novel about slavery } back to enslaver used to keep the negros from resisting the bloodhounds or resisting the Ku Klux Klan by teaching them to love their enemy or pray for those who use them dispitfully today.” In this quote he uses a slave master description in place of s police officers during this time and shows the …show more content…

He then compares Uncle Tom to Martin Luther king Jr calling him “Just a 20th century or modern Uncle Tom or a religious Uncle Tom who was doing the same thing today to keep negros defendless” Malcolm X knew other activist opposed his methods. These activist claimed that Malcolm X was encouraging violence, trying to raise war and as Dr. King once said Malcolm X was causing “negative tension” to build. This was not his goal whatsoever. He simply trying to prevent his people from being like he says “defenseless in face of attack.” The whites had already shown they were not going to back down without a fight and have proven it both physically, mentally and vocally. Just as in 1963 after the Birmingham church bombing when 100’s of protesters marched thru Alabama but were saldy beaten and sprayed with a fire hose at full force for no apparent reason. The whites proved the were ready for war and Malcolm X was preparing to give it to him. All he needed was the support from the

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