
Male Alcoholics: A Case Study

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In a research done by Brown, Vik, McQuoid, & Patterson, (1990). They examine the relationship between stressful life events, and drinking among 129 male alcoholics who had completed an alcohol treatment program. Studies found that men who returned to drinking after treatment, experienced more severe or highly threatening stress before their relapse, than men who remained abstinent during the follow-up period. This data suggests that although less severe stress may not increase risk for relapse, acute severe stressors and highly threatening chronic difficulties may be associated with elevated relapse risk. In another research done by Sinha et al., (2009) evidence indicates that regular and chronic alcohol use is associated with changes in emotion, stress, and motivational pathways. These …show more content…

If I had not gone to do a full assessment on the patient, I would not have known what lead to his hospitalization. I will never see Mr. First again, unless he is hospitalize again. So! I will never know the outcome of his investigation, if he ever passed that bus test, or if he ever stopped drinking. I will never know! That is one of the disadvantages of being a hospital social worker. Once a patient leaves the hospital, they are no longer your patient. I am not sure if you are allowed to call to see how a patient is doing after a patient leaves the hospital, technically they are not under your care anymore. According to McNeill, Nicholas, Szechy, & Lach, (1998) there is a tremendous need for social workers to determine which services are effective, with whom, under what circumstances, etc. Feed- back from the consumers (patients) of social work services is an important means of evaluating practice. Since Mr. First refused all services, and once he is discharged from the hospital, I will not be able to contact him. I will not know if the interventions

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