
Male Dominance In The Color Purple Research Paper

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Male Dominance in The Color Purple

In the 1900s, the father figure in the average family played a humongous part on the way people went about their daily lives. Women had few rights and the males were considered the most important role in a female's life. Often the power held by males were taken advantage of. The Color Purple is a book based in 1900s and it describes how an average black female went in that time period. It also exhibits many hardships caused by dominant male roles.The main character Celie goes through many ups and downs as does her step son Harpo, and Harpo’s wife Sophia. In The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, the violent actions committed by dominant male roles affect others emotions and reactions through the characters Celie, …show more content…

The novel introduces the troubles of the main character Celie immediately. “He never had a kine word to say to me...then he push his thing inside my pussy...I cry”(Walker 1). In the very beginning of the book, Celie is raped by someone who she refers to as Pa. Then, it says that she gets beat. “He beat me today cause I winked at a boy...I didn’t wink...I don’t even look at mens...I look at women, tho, cause I’m not scared of them”(Walker 5). Through Celie’s words, Walker shows one of the first effects in a female’s life when a dominant man abuses his power. Celie’s traumatic experiences with men effects her; she is so used to being abused by men that it causes her to be scared of them. The second effect the traumatic experience caused Celie is numbness. When Celie gets beaten or raped she describes it as “making herself a tree” or “doing his business” and not feeling anything at all”(Walker 23). And, according to the Joyful Heart Foundation, “one of the common emotional effects of rape is numbness and fear”(Joyful Heart Foundation). So, when Celie is beaten, instead of defending herself, she does not do anything unlike other characters in the novel. Celie tends to act submissive and accept everything that comes to

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