
What Is The Setting Of The Color Purple

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Setting: The color purple was set in rural Georgia during the 1985's. This setting highlights the problems found in the book, "The Color Purple". During the 1900’s Georgia sets a good premises for inequality and disadvantages that are found multiple times throughout the book. Since Georgia is in the south, for a young black women like Celie inequality was at its highest peak enhances the hardships for the main. She struggles to find independence in her setting since many men has taken advantage of her and she has not stood up for herself in fear of making her life worse than it is.
Throughout “The color purple" Celie struggles to find independence in her life style. She was taken advantage of as a child, when she was raped …show more content…

Being raped by her step father, Celie’s first impression was not only forced on her but blurred. By her step father forcing making love to her she is imprinted that love is unreal and only used for lust’s purposes. As she grows older her thoughts of love do not get better for she is married off to a man who likes her sister Nettie. This man, Mister, gives Celie a loveless marriage where he does not even try to like her. Starting to lose her faith in love, thinking she will never be able to have it Celie ends up finding love in the most unexpected relationship. Celie falls in love with a women lounge singer named Shug, Shug is a friend of Mister’s and comes often to their home where Celie starts to develop feelings for her. Now have found love on earth Celie starts to regain her love for God, her life has been very difficult causing her to start to lose her faith, but once she sees how God was working in her life she starts to grow in her faith. God helped her find Shug, escape from a loveless marriage, find her sister, and know that the children she had with her step father were not killed but are being taken care of by a nice …show more content…

Narrative is found throughout the entire book as Celie describes her life to the readers. She goes into depth about the events that happen to her and how she feels about them, not leaving a single detail out. As for cliché, “actions and events which are predictable because of some previous events”, this device is found more in the middle of the book. Celie’s sister runs away from their step father’s house to find shelter with Celie and her new husband, Mister. Although when Celie was married Mister by her step father, Mister actually wanted to marry Celie and with this information as Nettie returns the reader can predict that Mister is going to still have feelings for Nettie. As she stays for a day Mister does try to forcefully obtain Nettie’s attention and causes her to run away from his home as well. As Celie describes these many events throughout her life you can clearly see her attitude towards the entire situation, a literary element that is easily found in her character. A clear example of Celie’s attitude is in the beginning when she is writing to God about all of the things happening to her, it shows her attitude of hope, knowing that her future will get brighter with

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