
Malpractice Case Summary

Decent Essays

On November 19, 2015 I went to Jefferson City, Missouri to watch the Missouri State Board of Nursing trials. This is where all nurses have to testify, if they have had disciplinary against them, or have had malpractice incidents. In the hearings we got the opportunity to watch, they were very similar cases. The cases both involved the nurses being on probation and then they violated probation. The nurses in both cases were using controlled substance that affected the performance while working. The first case was an older lady. She had been put on probation for having diazepam test positive in her urine. When someone is on probation they have to call a service number and ask them if they need a urine sample that day. They also have to attend drug and alcohol screening. She violated the terms of her probation, which was why she had to go before the Board. She did not provide many papers to help her case, and the board had many papers against her. …show more content…

She has had problems with alcohol in the past, where she would call into her job because she was hungover. She tested positive for marijuana and tramadol. She also violated her probation by not calling the hot line every day. She has been attending 12 step classes, and she provided many papers stating that she had attended classes, and that she is taking steps in the right direction. I feel like she should not be able to practice as a nurse until she finished the 12 step program she is currently in. Having medications in the body, when there is not a prescription for them is illegal. Having drugs and/or alcohol in the body when going to work is illegal. These affect how the nurse preforms and it violates the nurse practice act. Nurses are responsible for people’s lives, and when the mind and body are influenced by other substances, it could cause great harm to patients. The Board can pull information from many places including social media sites, emails, and other places if

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