
Mamele Film Analysis

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The 1938 film, “Mamele,” directed by Joseph Green and Konrad Tom is musical comedy-drama that portrays the life of Havche, a dutiful daughter who keeps her family intact after their mother’s death. Havche spends her day cleaning the house and providing food for her family members. She is so caught up on doing household chores that she has little time for herself. More importantly, the film emphasizes on Havche and her family, as she tries to be the mother and take care of her family. Throughout the movie, we witness the struggles Havche overcomes by not being appreciated for the sacrifices she makes. It isn’t until she finds comfort from Schlesinger, a violinist who lives across her. The film also embraces the entire gamut of interwar Jewish …show more content…

Tradition tells us who we are. Although traditions are customs or beliefs from generation to generation, breaking a tradition can have a positive outcome. For instance, Havche leaving the family was a symbolism of giving up tradition. Havche was able to burst out of her bubble by traveling the country with Schlesingers and doing what she wants to do. Without Havche, the house is a mess: the dishes aren’t washed, the furniture is ruined and dirty, and her siblings are seen running around everywhere. Berel is seen gambling in bed with his friends and not even taking care of his children. The positive side of Havche leaving is that the family realizes that Havche plays an important role in the house. They finally realized that they cannot do anything without the help of Havche. Although Havche loves spending time with only Schlesingers, she can’t help but worry about her family, which leads her to coming back. As Carlos Fuentes quotes, “There is no creation without tradition; the “new” is an inflection on a preceding form, novelty is always a variation on the past.” In conclusion, Havche leaving the family was an important instrument in transforming and renewing the

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