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AJQ 13,3

An analysis of critical success factors for Six Sigma implementation
Sunil Sharma
Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi, India, and


Anuradha R. Chetiya
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Ramjas College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Purpose – The success of Six Sigma implementation is known to depend on a number of critical factors. The purpose of this paper is to explore and analyse Six Sigma critical success factors (CSFs) in the context of Indian manufacturing organizations. Design/methodology/approach – Although Six Sigma success factors have been amply …show more content…

And finally, based on the CSFs extracted, a Six Sigma adoption model in the Asian context is proposed. 2. Six Sigma CSFs: a literature review CSFs are those factors which are critical to the success of any organization, in the sense that, if objectives associated with the factors are not achieved, the organization will fail, perhaps catastrophically so (Rockart, 1979). Every organization’s creation of a Six Sigma infrastructure is unique, however, there are factors common to every success story (Breyfogle et al., 2001). Yang et al. (2008) in an empirical study in Taiwan concluded that Six Sigma is a fashionable method of management, but if organizations want to obtain dramatic benefits from the implementation, they must enhance the implementation of the CSFs and utilize more advanced tools. Hence, it is necessary that an attempt be made to assimilate the CSFs through a literature study. Six Sigma is implemented in organizations through the structured define measure analyze improve control (DMAIC) project approach. As Six Sigma is a project-driven methodology, it is essential to prioritize projects, which provide maximum financial benefits to the organization (Anthony and Banuelas, 2002). Importance of the project selection process as a CSF has been researched by many authors like Kelly (2002), Anthony and Banuelas (2002), Snee and Rodenbaugh (2002), Park (2003), Ponce and Zahaf (2004), Anbari and Kwak (2004), Heuvel et al.

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