
Managing contention for Shared Resources on Multicore Processors

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Case Study 3: Managing Contention for Shared Resources on Multicore Processors

Strayer University
Instructor: Dr. Kegan Samuel
CIS 512 Advanced Computer Architecture
November 30, 2013

This “Case Study” cover information on computer systems with multicore processors which can increase performance by running applications of various types (models) and methods. This paper focuses on applications using distributed architecture, cache contention, prefetching hardware and more. Current and future contentions are discussed. Managing contention for shared resources on multicore processors are discussed in this assignment. Explanations given for causes of contention. Discussion of the …show more content…

This is the reason why the older memory-reuse model that was designed to model cache contention only, was not effective in our environment This model was evaluated by the authors on a simulator that d. id not model contention for resources other than shared cache and it turns out that when applied to a real system that other contentions are present the model did not prove effective. On the other hand, cache miss rate turned out to be an excellent predictor for contention for the memory controller, prefetching hardware, and front-side bus, with each application in the author’s model was co-scheduled with “Milc” application to generate contention. An application that issue many cache-misses will occupy the memory controller and the front-side bus so it not only hurt other applications that use that hardware, but, end up suffering itself if this hardware is usurped by others. The investigation by the authors of contention-aware scheduling algorithms delivered a lesson to them that high-miss-rate applications must be kept apart. This means that they should not be scheduled in the same memory domain. Some restrictions have already suggested this approach, it is not well understood why using the miss rate as a proxy for contention ought to be effective, especially the fact that it contradicts the theory behind the popular

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