
Mango Street Character

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The House on Mango Street For my second quarter book report, I chose to read the classic book, "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros. The novel is a coming of age story about a young girl finding her place in the world. The story tells about a young girl finding who grows throughout the story. She goes through puberty. As she is going through this change, she realizes her and her friends are starting to like the attention of boys. Along the way, she is brought down, pushed away, and even sexually assaulted. The young girl's name is Esperanza, and she is trying to find her place on Mango Street. The story takes place over one year, (a date that is not stated) in a poor Chicago neighborhood for Latinos. The protagonist in the book is Esperanza, the narrator. Her opposing forces are her neighborhood and the world. Esperanza is a round character, because she is very outgoing, experimental, and curious. She is also a dynamic character. Throughout the story she experiences hormonal changes that affect her feelings, thoughts, and friendships. Because the antagonist is not a human, it has no character traits. Esperanza feels like she belongs somewhere other than Mango Street. She feels as if she cannot live her life to the fullest potential there. She strongly wishes she could leave her neighborhood behind. She observes other women, and makes new friendships in hopes to find where she belongs. The friend she gets the closest with is Sally. Sally is sexually

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