
Manifest Destiney: The Role Of Imperialism In The United States

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As the United States was gaining international power by involving themselves in foreign affairs and wars in the late 19th century, the idea of imperialism was becoming more and more popular. Imperialism is the expansion of governments control over foreign territory (usually forcible) with no intent on it being an integral part of the nation (in Americas instance a state). As people slowly began falling in love with the idea of Manifest Destiney, coupled with the actions our government was taking against foreign countries and their consistent involvement in them, was quickly paving the way for the U.S. to be an Imperialist nation. Manifest Destiney was a belief that the United states would take over and expand through “the Americas” (North and South) and not only was that expansion justified, but inevitable. And regardless of what the United States government was saying about Imperialism (The Monroe Doctrine) it was becoming clear we were operating as an Imperialistic country. …show more content…

policy that was against European colonization in North and South America, and that any attempt to gain control of any part of the Americas would show as a unfriendly gesture and stance towards the United States. It also stated that the United States would not interfere in European foreign affairs, nor would we attempt to uptake any existing countries or colonies. While this document may have been viewed as a step against Imperialism about 70 years after the documents establishment, not only was the United States claiming countries/colonies like the Philippines, Hawaii, Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico to name a few, but we were also completely and unconstitutionally overthrowing their

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