
Manipulation In Othello Essay

Decent Essays

In Othello many people face unfortunate deaths. These people are all victims of circumstance in Iago’s game of manipulation. Three characters that were blind to Iago’s tricks were Desdemona, Emilia, and Othello. Iago was able to take advantage of these people in his attempt to end up on top. Shakespeare uses these deaths to express certain ideals about relationships and morality. Desdemona truly loves her husband and that is her biggest downfall. Iago is easily able to take advantage of this fact and use it against her. His manipulation of Othello is what leads to her death. Once Othello believes Iago about her infidelity, he begins to treat her badly and she doesn’t do anything about it. Despite Othello’s mistreatment she continues to love …show more content…

Desdemona is a good person and would never hurt her husband. She even asks Emilia, “Dost thou in conscience think,--tell me, Emilia,--/That there be women do abuse their husbands/In such gross kind?” The audience can see how loyal this wife is to her husband. Desdemona represents something pure in this world and her death shows that all pure things can become corrupt. That good people can become ruined by manipulation and become hurt by power. Othello was a good person but once Iago gets to him he his mindset grows dark and leads to Desdemona’s death, which is also the death of good in their …show more content…

In Othello there can really only be one point of blame, Iago. All of these deaths are because of his manipulation and hunger of power. Othello may have murdered Desdemona with his own hands but the root of this murder comes from Iago. Othello would never have killed himself if he wasn’t affected by Iago. Emilia wouldn’t have been killed if she didn’t try to expose Iago. Iago symbolizes evil and is the reason for the corruption of these characters. Even once he is found as the culprit of all of these events he refuses to speak about them. While those who are already dead have already suffered, everyone else is forced to live without

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