
Marcello In The Conformist

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A person’s personality can be determined by many concepts not just including traits, such as social context, motives, temperaments, and cognitions (Winter,2003). Marcello, in the movie The Conformist (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1970), is a representation of the concept that personality is not reducible to just traits. Marcello illustrates many traits of the authoritarian personality, but also behaves in different ways based on his values, defense mechanisms, and immediate situations. The traits of the authoritarian personality, that he exemplified in The Conformist are religiosity, authoritarian submission, conventionalism, sex, preoccupation with power and toughness, and rigidity of thought (Brown, 1965). Marcello is a complex man who is just trying …show more content…

He went into the streets to go for a walk, in which is his wife Giulia begged him not to. He ran into his blind friend who still had the fascist symbol on his outfit, which he ripped off. At this time, it was very dangerous for fascist followers to be out on the streets, because anti-fascists were going around gathering fascist. Once Mussolini fell, many fascists did not want to be seen by anti-fascists. Marcello walks by this man who he believes is the man that sexually molested him when he was younger. This triggers a defense mechanism in Marcello, because he pins this man against the wall, starts to raise his voice, question him, and shout that he wants to kill him. This is component of the authoritarian personality trait, sex. Marcello believed that this homosexual man ought to be punished for his crime, so he started shouting to have him arrested for his wrong-doings. Marcello created this big scene to have this man arrested for someone he assumed was his childhood perpetrator. Marcello then seems like he snapped and started to rat out that his blind friend was a fascist and left him alone in the crowd. Marcello was done with being a fascist, so he conformed to the anti-fascist society, which was going to best benefit him that situation. Once again Marcello is trying to conform to society and not just be

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