
Marcus Aurelius Meditations

Decent Essays

Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius

The Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius is known to be one of the greatest and most influential pieces of philosophical work that Marcus wrote. Aurelius was a great dedicated scholar of stoicism, a philosophy that strictly emphasizes on ones fate, reason and personal self control. Through the art of stoicism Aurelius dedicated to write the “Meditations” a journal about himself dedicated toward himself. In the Meditations, Aurelius uses stoicism to emphasize his philosophy on how one should conduct themselves toward the attitude and actions of others in ones daily life and the self control that we should have over our minds to avoid obsessive self pleasures, worry, and hate. Marcus uses many forms of stoic philosophy to interpret and give meaning to his writing in the meditations.

In the beginning of the the Meditations, Marcus applies his strong faith of stoicism in the sense of control to emphasize and educate, on how one should react toward the negativity and actions of others. A very strong excerpt from the text that demonstrates Aurelius’s point of view on the way we should conduct and react toward the presence of others follows. “But I have seen that the …show more content…

The first paragraph of the Meditations is what I found to be the most interesting part of the passage. Aurelius starting statement is strong and focused, “Say to yourself first thing in the morning: today I shall meet people who are meddling, ungrateful, aggressive, treacherous, malicious, unsocial”. The favorable part about his starting statement is that he focuses and remind himself to remain calm throughout the day no matter what people do to you I liked how he gave various examples of what he might encounter throughout the day as to remind himself of what he must avoid or

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