
Margret Sanger And The Value Of Life

Decent Essays

Every human life is a gift from God. Christ sent his son to save all the people of the world. There are no certain criteria for this. God never set a standard for which lives are important to him and which are not. We are made in the image of God; therefore we are important to Him. In our modern-day society, we are taught that certain lives are more important than others. That a mother choosing how she wants to live her life is more important than her unborn baby's. That pushing our own personal views are more important than the hundreds of lives we take away. The Bible clearly states in the ten commandments, “Thou shalt not kill”. It is even written in the laws of our country, but still the question remains. Why does our world place little to no value on human life? In Genesis 4, we read about the first murder in the fallen world. Cain killed his brother Abel over pride. He placed his anger over the life of his brother. The effects of the fall were beginning to show even this early after the fall. Man now has corrupted thinking and lives in a sinful world. A good example of someone who put absolutely no value on human life would be a woman named Margret Sanger. If you know anything about Margret Sanger you probably know she was the founder of Planned Parenthood. As you can tell just by that she held very little respect for human life, but if you dig deeper and find her motives for starting this organization you will question how anyone could have supported her cause.

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