
Marie Curie During World War 1

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Encounter Marie Curie fits the theme perfectly in another way, encounter. She had a troublesome time getting the education she needed, and even when she presented a reasonable hypothesis, it was all but brushed off because she was not respected. Curie also had an encounter with the Solvay conference, which was a gathering of some of the greatest minds at the time. One of the most important things Curie did was help during World War One by inventing and distributing portable x-ray machines to help aid soldiers.

Opposition in Education In her early childhood, Marie Curie was a fantastic student, getting wonderful grades in her classes. The problem came after she had finished secondary school; the University of Warsaw was men-only. This meant that Curie could not continue her education at the normal university. Curie also applied to other schools, which turned her down either because she was a woman or because she had a Jewish background. She had to go elsewhere to lean, and in this case the answer was the Warsaw “floating universities”. These were underground, informal, and illegal classes that were held in secret to continue her …show more content…

She dropped what research she was doing so that she could assist in any way she could. Not too long earlier, construction on the Radium Institute, a place where Curie and her peers could study the effects of radiation. At the start of World War One, most of her friends and coworkers had been drafted to fight in the war. Curie realized that the x-rays could help save lives by allowing doctors to see bullets and shrapnel lodged deep under the skin. After much convincing, she got France’s first military radiology centers set up. Curie was appointed Director of the Red Cross Radiology Service, and not long after started accepting money from rich supporters to fund the department. She asked for body shops and manufacturers to donate cars and parts to help speed things

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