
Marijuana Legalization Analysis

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The legalization of marijuana is a topic that has gained widespread attention. Supporters of legalization list all of the benefits that marijuana provides. Opponents list all of the health risks that are associated with its use. Marijuana is illegal on a Federal level, but many states have already completed the process of legalizing its use. Marijuana was not always illegal (PBS, 2014). It is a naturally occurring plant that has been around for thousands of years. The Cannabis plant was around even before societies developed formal legal systems. In the early days of America, the government had not yet made drugs illegal. Growing concerns about the misuse of narcotics resulted in the United States eventually making laws against the plant. It …show more content…

Many college students are in favor of the movement. Adults that grew up when marijuana was not strictly regulated are also in favor of its legalization. In general, campaigns for the legalization of marijuana focus on misinformation about the drug and appeals to the frequency of its use. They claim that governmental agencies have exaggerated the negative effects of consuming marijuana. Studies on marijuana use are offered as evidence that the drug is not as dangerous as the government claims. In addition, supporters of the movement list all of the benefits—financial and otherwise—of legalizing the plant. Increased tax revenue and decreased violent crime are two proposed results of legalizing marijuana. Another important aspect of the movement to legalize marijuana is the abundance of personal stories to serve as evidence. The government can provide an abundance of information about the drug and make claims about the dangers of its use; however, many people have been consuming the plant for years. Their lives serve as evidence that the drug does not pose significant short-term risks. For the users that have an even longer history, they can serve as evidence of the long-term safety of the marijuana plant. Young people are then faced with a dilemma. They can either listen to the warnings of government agencies or listen to the many personal stories of experienced …show more content…

24 states have already made movements to legalize the plant. However, it is important to note that of those 24, many have only legalized the drug for medical purposes. A few states have entirely legalized the drug, and it can be consumed for recreational purposes.
Gallup polls reveal that almost half of Americans think that marijuana should be legalized (Newport, 2011). It is a movement that does not happen overnight. The efforts of reformists to change public opinions are working. The poll data reveals that the percent of people approving of marijuana legalization is greater now than it was in the past. In other words, the efforts to change public opinion about marijuana are having an impact. However, it will still likely be a long time before any changes occur at the Federal

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