
Marilyn Monroe Turning Point

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“Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together” (Marilyn Monroe). Monroe was a big believer in letting problems and struggles fall into place because in the end she believed everything would be where it is meant to be and everything would turn out just fine. Marilyn Monroe was the essential focus in the fifties and provided a turning point in time for women in America. She is an inspiration to me because she did not let her struggles stop her from achieving her goals. The following points illustrate the importance of this turning point in time. Monroe did not let her background and struggles stop her from reaching her goals, she was an independent woman taking advantage of the opportunities that afforded her in the movie …show more content…

She has taught me that it is okay to be an outcast. She has showed me that you do not have to be a size zero in order to be beautiful. Marilyn Monroe was more than just a sex icon to me; she is someone who showed me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It does not matter what anyone has to say about you, you have to have confidence within yourself in order to succeed in life because you are always going to have someone who doubts you and your abilities. You cannot let someone define who you are YOU define who you are. YOU reach for your goals and do not let anyone get in the way and stop you from achieving your goals. If you believe in yourself and have enough confidence you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Marilyn Monroe had a strong desire to be seen as being more than just a model, actress, sex symbol and celebrity; many of the things she said was an attempt to shed light on who she was as a person and to remind people that there was much more to her than just a pretty face. Marilyn Monroe has taught me that no matter how badly I could fantasize on wanting to be someone else whether that being a celebrity or someone I look up to, it will never happen; it is a huge oversight because it takes away my confidence because I am so focused and set on wanting to be someone else. Monroe showed me that it is okay to admire someone else but I need to be happy and confident in my own skin and accept myself for …show more content…

She was the essential focus in the fifties and provided a turning point in time for women in America. She is an inspiration to me because she did not let her struggles stop her from achieving her goals. Monroe did not let her background and struggles stop her from reaching her goals. Marilyn overcame many struggles in her lifetime and still did not let her struggles get in the way from reaching her goals. She was an independent woman taking advantage of the opportunities that afforded her in the movie making business. There was never an opportunity that slipped through Marilyn’s fingers, she took advantage of every opportunity that came her way and it led her to be the successful woman who in the blink of an eye became the most iconic sex symbol in the United States. Lastly, she let her natural abilities and looks shine through as an example to women during this time and still today. Marilyn Monroe never let anyone define who she truly was and never let anyone get in the way of her achieving her goals, once she had her mind set on doing something she sought out to do

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