
Marine Biology Admissions Essay

Decent Essays

The quote by Benjamin Franklin, “If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins” relates to my life and the factors that affected my college decision. Because I was fascinated about marine life and their environment, I wanted to major in Marine Biology and make a career out of it. While Marine Biology was my passion, after further researching all my options for college, I had to let reason play a role in determining where I would go. Back in eighth grade, our family vacationed in the Cayman Islands. I had my first opportunity to snorkel around the reefs; I saw eels, stingrays, colorful fish, and corral. Swimming with dolphins only added to the experience. From this moment on, I knew I wanted to study all these amazing sea creatures for a career. In researching colleges that seemed to fit me, I decided on Marine Biology as my intended major. Also around the same time, I became interested in Athletic Training. I began researching only schools that offered Marine Biology, which were mostly private colleges outside of my home state of Georgia. I held off on applying to the University of Georgia until right before the deadline due to the fact that they did not …show more content…

My passion was still in Marine Biology, yet after researching it, there are a limited number of jobs available. I also love medicine and working with athletes, my next best choice for a major is Athletic Training. With Athletic Training, I found that there are numerous job opportunities available. After thinking about it, I realized that majoring in Marine Biology at an expensive college nowhere close to home, might not be the best decision. I started to look more at the University of Georgia after I was accepted. After comparing all the colleges, I decided that UGA would be the most reasonable college to attend to receive a quality education that will contribute to my life-long career goals of becoming an orthopedic

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