
Marine Ecology, By Carl Safina

Satisfactory Essays

Carl Safina is an American author who focuses on marine ecology and has written numerous successful books regarding human relationships with nature and the ways the ocean is changing. In October 2015; he attended Mission blue II. Mission Blue is a campaign that “Ignites Public support for global networks of marine protected areas” ( During his time at Mission Blue II; he recorded a video of himself discussing the topic that a lot of humans as themselves from time too time… “Can animals think or feel?” (Safina, Carl. "What are animals thinking and feeling?" Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? | TED Talk | N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2017. .). He brilliantly answered this question by saying …show more content…

Carl Safina supported his argument on evolution by stating that all living organism’s o this world came from the same unicellular organism; and then we went though changes that made all species different as diverse that we know today. Also; And all species of the Animalia kingdom have the same brain. “A neuron looks the same in a crayfish as it does a human” (Safina, Carl. "What are animals thinking and feeling?" Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? | TED Talk | N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2017. ). The most important and effective point that he makes is how we can observe to verify that animals can think and feel. Carl brought up the point that various animals (Example: …show more content…

The three that benefited the presentation the most would be the use of personification, similes, and alliteration. The strongest literary device was personification and that was pretty much the point of the whole speech. That animals have human like characteristics and animals were capable of thinking and feeling. Safina gave all the animals the ‘human’ traits that they deserve. In this oral essay, he proved to the audience that animals could do everything humans do and there was no difference between the two. He stated that “they even have the same skeleton as us” (Safina, Carl. "What are animals thinking and feeling?" Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? | TED Talk | N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2017. .) to back his point up. The next literary device that he frequently used was similes, Or, a comparison using like or as. One of the most powerful similes that he used was “our brain is as big as a chimpanzee.” (Safina, Carl. "What are animals thinking and feeling?" Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? | TED Talk | N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2017. .) this was a very strong statement as it gave us a comparison that we could all think about and know what he was talking about. We often think of ourselves as at the top of the animal kingdom. We are the ones in power. But this comparison made the audience rethink that as we are no different at all then a

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