
Mark Antony's Assassination Analysis

Decent Essays

Being politically assassinated is really no easy task to do. For example: During the presidential debate that happened at the Al Smith Dinner for a charity on October 20th, 2016 there was a heated battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The two politicians were roasting each other back and forth in a “jokingly” matter but in the audience’s eyes, it seemed like a direct “attack” between one another. One of the lines which Trump said, shocked many of the guests who attended the charity that day. “Hillary is so corrupt, she got kicked off the Watergate Commission.” And going into Clinton’s own speech, she also went as far as to humiliate Trump in her own way. “Donald wanted me drug tested before last night’s debate. Look I got to tell …show more content…

But even though Antony arrived seeing Caesar’s bloodied body on the floor in front of him, he went with the flow and easily fooled Brutus into allowing him to speak on the platform right after his speech was done. (III.3.12-44) “Be patient till… need my death.” Brutus claimed that leaving Caesar alive would have been the biggest mistake for Rome and that if he were still alive, they would all be slaves until the end of their own lives. He claims that only because he was going with what he thought was just and partially because of how the main conspirators managed to manipulate him in a way. But as the people rejoice and start to make judgments saying Brutus should be the new Caesar of Rome, he calms them down and tells them to remain with Antony to pay their respects to Caesar’s death. And with that, Antony’s famous speech begins. (III.2.71-105) “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears… come back to me.” Within Antony’s speech, there’re slight hints of his disagreement to Brutus’s claims of Caesar being “ambitious” which mostly every person listening to Antony’s speech heard or understood. He explained that everything about Caesar being ambitious is true… only according to Brutus, the honorable man that would not lie to the people of Rome. But as he’s saying that, …show more content…

(IV.3.1-117) (Argument between Cassius and Brutus) “That you have… is cold again.” Even as they both are trying to fight for the same cause, they both have difficulties trying to get along after rumors being spread out each other. Their army decreases with every word being spread out about them killing Caesar who was not ambitious at all and was killed as an innocent man. So throughout their own conversation, it seems like they finally come to a conclusion and end their little quarrel and start to discuss about how to turn the tides and defeat Antony and Octavius. But they both know that their powers with the people of Rome and their own army is waning, so they decide to march to Philippi and win. (IV.3.199-227) “Well, to our work… or lose our ventures.” Their final efforts to march toward Philippi and win over both the people of Philippi and the war is small, but still has a chance. Brutus himself makes a good point even though Cassius wanted to remain stationary for now and let them go to them which was (IV.3.220-227) “We, at the highest… lose our ventures.” But in the end, Brutus and Cassius find more than what they can

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