
Summary Of Corn Pone Opinions

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The essay by Mark Twain, “Corn-pone Opinions,” describes how many people follow the directions of others whether they agree with it or not. Also through it’s contrasting conformities and independent verdict of people’s ways of thinking, Twain suggests that in order for people to express how they truly are, they must first trust their own abilities without having to depend on others. This signifies that every person must have a friend or relative critique his or her style to feel gleeful. Moving forward three supporting reasons in favor of Mark Twain’s predicament describe the equal trends that people follow of fashion in today’s society, secondly, worldwide statistic have indeed shown that the majority of people who are peer pressured let bullies take over their choices and finally how religion influences children, students, adults, and families. These are clear reasons as to why I am in favor of Mark Twain’s statement of opinion. To make people comprehend and understand that everyone should have their own way of thought and not relay in others to do it for them. …show more content…

Case in point, teens’ students, and children all follow the progression of fashion. To illustrate many celebrities such as Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Rita Ora, and lastly Arianna Grande all have their own style. However people tend to follow their favorite celebrity and become like them. This includes, their hairstyle, clothes, watches, shoes, gadgets etc. Suppose Ariana Grande went on stage with a dissimilar color of hair such as the neon lavender, everyone would want to dye their hair in that particular way to stand out and rebel. As a result people would follow the trend and copy what the artist is doing. Continually these people need the approval of others to feel radiant and popular. With that being said, our society follows what others do, instead of expressing themselves without the judgment of

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