
Market Revolution Dbq Questions And Answers

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Entry 1 Market Revolution
What was the impact of the Market Revolution? In the beginning of the nineteenth century, people's lives changed remarkably. The typical person living before the Market Revolution focused on individualism. These people often farmed and survived on their own. After the Market Revolution, people started manufacturing and increased trade. This meant that most people would start going to work versus working at home. Why is this significant in American History? This transition period sparked a new era of debate, Jefferson versus Hamilton Ideology. Jefferson hoped the United States would remain small farm based economy with little government involvement. Hamilton campaigned against this idea, hoping for a economy based on manufacturing and strong federal government. The Market Revolution shifted the economic foundation of the nation and was a cause of significant debate.
Entry 2 Presidency of Andrew Jackson
What demonstrates the growing sense of nationalism after the Market Revolution? Andrew Jackson’s election in 1829 was a defining period for America. The Market Revolution changed politics drastically. Universal …show more content…

Northerners and Southerners argued weather the state would allow slavery. Southerners and Northerners wanted equal representation in Congress between the slave states and free states. This was one of the first significant debates that was a precursor to the Civil War. What was the result of the Missouri Compromise? The north and south agreed that Missouri would be admitted as a slave state and Maine would become a free state. How did the Missouri Compromise affect the further western expansion? In order to prevent future debates, the compromise proposed that any state admitted north of the 36 degree latitude line would become a free state and anything south of the line would be admitted as a slave state. This compromise indicates the growing tension between the north and

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