
Marriage In Romeo And Juliet Vs Now

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Marriage in Romeo and Juliet versus Now While reading Romeo and Juliet many people have noticed that how a marriage works is very different than how they work today. In this play the marriages are very different because of the proposal, the ceremony, and the reception. These are only some of the many things from Shakespeare’s time that are different now. In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, the proposal is very different than they are today. To be specific, the time frame in which it happens, the age they propose at, and how they do it differ a lot. In Shakespeare’s time, the proposal happened very quickly. When Romeo proposes to Juliet, they haven’t even known each other for a whole day. In contrast, in current times it could take anywhere from a couple months to years to decide to propose. The age at which the proposal takes place also differs massively. When this play was written, marriage happened very quickly. For example, Juliet was only fourteen and Romeo was somewhere around seventeen …show more content…

It’s different because who is invited, where it happens, and how it happens are different from now. In the time the play was written, not much of the family was invited to watch the ceremony. This was because they liked to have a private, heart-felt ceremony with just their significant other. In present day, a lot of family and friends are invited to the wedding to watch the two lovers get married. Also, where it happens is different. In Romeo and Juliet, they went to their local Friar’s cell for the ceremony. Now, people choose a big church, a nice beach or even go out of the country to get married. How the ceremony happens also differs from recent times. In this play, they go quickly to the Friar’s cell and have him do it right there without even preparing. In current times, they plan and prepare up to a year for their ceremony and don’t do it on the spot. This is another way Romeo and Juliet differ from

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