
Marshmallow Test

Decent Essays

According to the article, “What Leads to Success in Life” written by Jocelyn K. Giel, there are three types of attributes that she states lead to a prosperous lifestyle. Using research produced by Walter Mischel, a Stanford Psychologist, and other scientists, the first quality that she lists is self-control, or the ability to make decisions along with resisting worldly temptations. The next characteristics, passion and perseverance, are traits that Giel uses of research conducted by Angela Duckworth, a Harvard researcher, and Duckworth integrated these two attributes and labels them as ‘grit’. Grit, according to Duckworth, is the “tendency to not abandon tasks” as well as “not ‘looking for a change’”, and she draws this statement from personal …show more content…

Scientists conducted the test to observe the concept of delayed gratification of four-year old children. The results concluded that children who were able to resist eating a marshmallow, or treat, for fifteen whole minutes were the ones who led better lives that were “more behaved, less prone to addiction, and scored higher on the SAT” when re-examined during their high school years. While the Giel’s article did not provide details concerning the children’s upbringing or childhood, it provides a connection to the children who possessed self-control and consequently, how their lives are influenced by it.
However, Giel expresses later in the article that self-control is not the only factor of success and then introduces the two traits described by Duckworth as passion and perseverance, or grit. Duckworth arrived at this conclusion after carefully studying psychologist Catherine Morris Cox’s findings on world recognized geniuses such as Albert Einstein and Leonardo Da Vinci. If these people, who are prodigies in their respective fields, all possess these similar attributes, then logic may follow that these qualities may indeed be the key to

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