
Martin Luther, John Calvin And The Protestant Reformation

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One theme present during the reformation, was smaller churches breaking off from the larger church, and establishing their own forms of christianity. Many people were unhappy with the way the church was running and sought to reform these flaws by making their own forms of the church. People such as Martin Luther and John Calvin, were unhappy with how the church was being run created their own religions. Martin Luther created Lutheranism, which did not believe in the selling of indulgences and believed that salvation was granted by faith alone. Both of these ideas went against the Church at the time and his ideas were highly disputed. John calvin had created Calvinism, which believed in predestination, which meant that God had already decided who was saved, and who was damned. The idea of predestination also went against the church's idea that faith and good works lead to salvation. 2. Immorality, ignorance, and pluralism all gave the church a bad name, but immorality hurt the church the most. Immorality in the church consisted of gambling, drinking, and promiscuity which cast a bad light on the church as the clergy were supposed to be men of god and were not to engage in such devious acts. The clergy was also highly ignorant with many preaches not knowing latin, the …show more content…

When the reformation started, the catholic Habsburgs of Spain became nervous and tightened their grip on the Netherlands, however, the dutch rebelled and the british took their side starting the 80 years war, in the end, the dutch were ultimately successful. As the dutch took to more protestant ideas, the strictly Catholic Habsburgs tightened the grip on the netherlands pushing for Catholicism. The Dutch rebelled with the help of protestant England and started the 80 years war against Spain. This created tension between Spain and England because they were on opposite sides in the battle. In the end, the Dutch were eventually victorious and became their own country free of Spanish

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