
Martin Luther King As A Social Activist

Decent Essays

Have you ever had the time where you wanted to change something but you never had the right tools, And it never felt like the right time, Well i know someone who had the right tools, who had courage, and stood up for what was right. Martin Luther King “thrived” in all his studies and was a valedictorian of his class in 1951, and was elected student body president. He also earned a fellowship for graduate study. This means that he tried really hard through school and earned the student body president. Also he was having problems with his father because martin luther king was drinking and playing pool and out late while he was at college. This shows me that martin luther king was an alcoholic and didn't care what he did because if he did …show more content…

They would sit in stores and would make the white people use physical force for them to get out of the store.”This tells me that they would make white people use physical force for them to get them out of their store, this also would be their fault because they would go into their stores and would make them cause harm to them because they wouldn't get out. Martin Luther King would encourage or help kids use nonviolent methods while they were doing their protest. Martin luther king was famous for most of his speeches. Some names of the speeches are, In 1953 he made a speech called the three dimensions of a complete life, Also in 1954, He wrote speech called rediscovering lost values, Another one would be, in 1956 he wrote one called pauls letter to american christians. He wrote a lot of other speeches throughout his whole life. Martin Luther King finally died on April fourth 1968. Martin Luther King was a person who had the right tools to change the world and had the right time to do it. He changed many things in the short life that he lived, this is why he is famous. Sincerely, Levi

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