
Martin Luther King Jr Research Paper

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Martin Luther King Jr. On January,15,1929 in Atlanta, Georgia the most caring, strong, and brave man was born. This man was Martin Luther King Jr, Martin Luther King Jr. was mainly famous for starting the civil rights movement and peace. Dr. King had an interesting life and he accomplished many things like the march from Selma to Montgomery, the Rosa Parks bus boycott, and he fought for political and economic change. Dr. King had a great childhood and a loving, supporting family, but that still does not mean he did not have conflicts. Shortly after his grandma’s death, Martin fell from a second story window. Some say he was attempting suicide. However that is not a proven fact (www. Dr. King was very intelligent, and he graduated with a bachelor of arts in sociology from Moorehouse College in 1948 along with a bachelor of divinity degree from Crozer Seminary in May of 1951 (Boshier 98-99). Dr. King had a mother, a father, and two siblings. Martin Luther King Sr. was the father, Alberta Williams King was his mother, Martin’s brother, Alfred Daniel, and Willie Christine, his sister ( …show more content…

Throughout Martin’s entire life he faced a lot of prejudice and hate. Dr. King did not like the idea of people judging each other by the pigmentation of their skin. He decided to tackle all of these problems love along with peaceful protests, boycotts, and marches

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