
Martin Luther King's Peaceful Protest

Decent Essays

The media is always yearning for drama, violence is just that. Human fascination with violence, causes the media to lust after it, craving for the perfect scene of human incompetence to display to the world. When a figure of authority, shows their vicious tendencies, media will flock around them, like hungry wolves. This is an advantage to the prey of authority, who will get seen and heard across the world. Consequently, this is why, Martin Luther King Jr.methods worked so well during the 1960s. King’s display of peaceful protest brought the attention he needed, nevertheless this attention came at a price. Protesters were beaten by law enforcement, just for standing/sitting on public property.Officers would use attack dogs, which is considered one step down from lethal force, against them. Yet …show more content…

King organized one of the most know boycotts in the U.S history. The Montgomery bus boycott goes down in the books for resulting in desegregated buses in Alabama. “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” is stated by King, explaining how we must come together as one, or we will be shot down. Today, we still see Defacto in the U.S, however now we are coming together as one and fighting against those negative stereotypes. King’s displays of non-violent protest that actually got the change he wanted, is influencing how protesters are protesting. Now, there is more peaceful protest being used in the U.S more than there ever was. Nevertheless, we still have figures in authority saying peaceful protest should be a crime, that we should punish those who are fighting for what they believe in. Despite the people having the right to peaceably assemble, meaning the president is attempting to deny us of our constitutional rights, being unconstitutional

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