
Martin Shkreli Essay On Globalization And Health

Decent Essays

Abdullahi Farah Abdigaani
Unit III Discussion
HSC-700: Globalization & Health

The issue of Martin Shkreli, (A.K.A. Pharma Bro) and the prescription-drug price hiking is just the tip of the iceberg of much deeper flaws with the regulation of the pharmaceutical industry in this country. In fact, there is a good reason to believe that much of the outcry that has populated both the traditional and social media is perpetuated by the giant pharmaceutical companies who feel exposed by this particular conduct. What these companies hope to achieve by disowning Shkreli, is, therefore, to restore their image as honorable enterprises, creating a distance from everything Shkreli is being accused. However, nothing could be further from the truth. It was routine practice for much of the pharmaceutical companies to deliberately inflate drug prices, butwith over period of time (Frank, R. 2004). The only difference is that Shkreli’s unorthodox approach to increase the cost of Daraprim, an antifungal medication by 500% at once. Apart from the obvious, Shkreli’s intent is open for speculation. In an interview with Vice News, Shkreli expressed discontent with corporate bureaucracy of …show more content…

This protects the consumer rights, market stability, and safeguards the basic principles of fair trade. Nevertheless, opposition to market regulation has been fierce. Pharmaceutical companies do spend a fortune to prevent strict rules on the industry. This is done through the powerful lobbyist in Washington in order to influence the votes at the congress (Fincham, 2010). Many lawmakers with good initial intentions are swayed through fear of losing elections or the temptation of fortune through campaign contributions. This limits the power of ordinary Americans to regulate this

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