As indicated by VEW, Blige crossed out a couple days before the booked show. Rather than performing for them, the vocalist performed somewhere else with Mick Jager and the Rolling Stones ( ). Mary J Blige asserted that the organisation neglected to follow through with the arrangements. According to the contract, VEW was supposed to provide first class accommodations on her flight for her and her entourage. The vocalist said she failed to show up because of the breach and was not giving any money back. The vocalist counter sued for the remaining balance of $105K. At that point on October seventeenth, the government court judge returned with his plea and agreed with Blige. He states in the court arrange that Blige was going to appear. This
On December 1, 2015, 65 year-old Loretta Macpherson arrived at the emergency room of St. Charles Health System, located in Bend, Oregon. Ms. Macpherson arrived to the emergency room complaining of anxiety. When interviewed about her medication history, Ms. Macpherson was unable to identify the medications which she had been prescribed after her recent hospitalization at St. Charles for brain surgery. After examination, the emergency room physician ordered fosphenytoin, an anti-seizure medication, to be administered via intravenous infusion to Ms. Macpherson. In error she received rocuronium, a paralytic drug, causing her to stop breathing and suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest. Ms. Macpherson suffered irreversible brain damage and was placed
On Thursday, 08/11/2016, at approximately 1638 hours, I, Deputy Stacy Stark #1815 was dispatched to speak to Sheila Haggard about a report involving financial exploitation of an elderly couple. Haggard was a case manager with Shawnee Alliance. I spoke to Haggard via telephone. Haggard explained she spoke to an assistant Jackson County States Attorney, Rebecca Blomer and was advised to call the police department to file a report.
On Wednesday July 15, 2015, Heidi Peterson contacted the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in regards to complaint against the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF). Heidi Peterson alleged that the DCF had removed her child from her custody utilizing false information. Heidi Peterson was previously advised by SA Jose Ramirez to contact the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the DCF; however, Heidi Peterson alleged this office was not properly investigating her case.
The reporter stated Mrs. Sterling has been arrested a total of five times. The last time she was arrested was 12/12/15. According to the reporter, Mrs. Sterling was arrested after she tried to outrun law enforcement in the parking lot of Wal-Mart. The reporter stated 3-4 days before the 12/12/15 arrest, Mrs. Sterling was arrested in Liberty, MS for shop lifting while Briana was present; Mrs. Sterling had Briana stealing things as well. The reporter stated there are concerns her sister may be using meth amphetamines because she hangs with a meth dealer and she’s abusing her children’s Adderal. Per the reporter, she’s tried several times to keep her sister out of jail and get her help, but Shelly isn’t interested in helping herself. The reporter
PER REPORTER: Roslyn said she was told on March 10, 2017 by one of her patients (Charligh) that her father touched her and tied her up with bungee cords up against the wall while he did it. Roslyn said Charligh told her that when her father would touch her it mad her cry; however, Charligh did not go into specific details about the situation but she did say her father touched her in a secret spot where daddies should not touch you. Roslyn said to her understanding the alleged sexual abuse took place at Charligh’s father’s house. It is unknown if there were any witnesses around when the incident took place. It is also unknown if Charligh’s father has ever touched any of her other siblings. However, the reporter did mention that Charligh’s father is her oldest sister (Kaitlyn’s) grandfather.
More details: Sarah Robinson was arrested Friday by U.S Marshals on a grand jury indictment filed in early July stemming from an alleged incident in eastern Missouri in March 2014.Robinson accused of being in possession of a detectable amount of methamphetamine with the intent to distribute it. She was still in Wyandotte County Jail in federal custody Sunday evening and is expected to have her first court appearance Monday. Sarah says “My life had taken a downturn since my husband's sudden death three years ago, while she was pregnant with twins. I lost my job and my house and was living in my car.”
Facts: Abigail Fisher (Plaintiff) is a Caucasian woman that was denied admission to the University of Texas at Austin (UT - Austin) for the fall of 2008. Fisher did not graduate in the top ten percent of her class; therefore, she was not automatically accepted to the University under the Top Ten Percent Plan. Instead, Fisher’s application was evaluated under the Holistic Review Program. The Holistic Review Program evaluates candidates based on their Personal Achievement Index, which looks at: (1) the mean score of candidates’ application essays; and (2) the candidates’ Personal Achievement Score, which is calculated through a holistic review of the applicant’s personal life, activities and leadership, accolades, and mitigates “special circumstances, such as the applicant’s socioeconomic status. . . and race.”
It was July 10 2015 a very sunny afternoon when a Waller county cop came in contact with a young woman named Sarah Bland. Pulling her over the cop’s accused Sarah bland of not having her turn signal on when trying to switch lanes to the right. Furthermore after that the cop asked MS. bland for her license and registration. In light of that happening, he walked back to his car to do some paper work. Uniquely a few minutes later the officers come back to the car to ask MS. bland what’s the matter. Likewise responding back, She replied I did nothing wrong. In addition to saying I was simply trying to get over to move out of your way. At the same time the officer asks MS bland can you please put out your cigarette? Above all, with Ms. Bland not putting out her cigarette the cop became crazy. Despite knowing her rights the officer says step out the car with your hands up.
The underlying issues in both cases are racial discrimination. For Cheryl Boulden in the affirmative action case the issue is being “an African American woman among the good ol’ boys in Indiana.” She was recruited because of race and her permanent handicap was seen as an asset for a diversity program lacking any. Yet these qualities made her a target of racism. Susan Finn’s ethnic discrimination presents a dilemma of how to deal with a contract physician’s abusive behavior “toward Hispanics and female staff as well as patients” (Reeves, 2006, p. 79). While the issues of racial and gender discrimination is not unusual, the failure of these agencies to address multiple complaints is.
Reflecting on Sally Richard’s case in the introduction, although fictitious, truly represents the process of what a sexual assault, rape, domestic abuse, trauma, etc. patient endures for SANE nurses to collect the evidence needed to support the victim’s case. For forensic nurses, they must ensure that medico-legal examinations prioritize medical care over corporeal evidence collection, with prosecutors emphasizing this on direct observation to ward off accusations of biased witness. Even though history and documented injuries collected by SANEs could be of use for prosecution of the accused, the record should be medically fixated, with careful planning to specialty treatment. For a reliable Medico-legal record, there are certain components
The earliest report of child abuse was in 1874 with the case of Mary Ellen McCormack, who was 10 years old and living in Manhattan at the time. This case brought attention to reformers who strived to prevent child abuse and protect victims, an effort that persists even today. The awareness of child abuse also prompted researchers to find a correlation between abuse and criminal behavior in adulthood. At the time of McCormack’s case, there were no laws protecting children from physical abuse from their parents. In late 1873, Mary Ellen McCormack caught the attention of her neighbors who realized how severely battered and neglected she was by her adoptive mother, Mary Connolly. The neighbors reported this to the Department of Public Charities and Correction, which was in charge of New York’s insane asylums, orphanages, jails, and public hospitals.
Before the trial commenced, Mary was seen as an innocent woman who could, in no way have committed the crimes that were charged against her. The public believed she was wrongly accused because she was a Southern woman who was educated, in the upper class, a devoted mother, and a pious Catholic. Back in this time period, people did not believe that a woman could be a murderer or even involved in a plot to do so. Mary played the role of defenseless innocent woman perfectly during the trial as well. Throughout her trial, Surratt played the role of helpless southern woman who was just trying to provide for and protect her family from harm. However, her attempt to fool the public that there was no way she could have done these heinous crime, failed
The case of Karen Leary illustrates the implications cultural conflict can have on business organizations and office culture. A common mistake managers make is undermining the power of cultural constraints at the organizational level. After six years as a financial consultant at Merrill Lynch, Karen Leary was promoted to general manager at the Elmville branch in Chicago. Leary wanted to achieve success at the branch office by building high-producing, successful group of professionals who work together to provide clients with complete service in meeting long-term financial goals.
-Working with Mary, I feel that one barrier that she is facing in regards to her expressing/accepting her sexual orientation and gender identity is fear of being rejected and shamed by her family. Evidence suggests that for LGBTQ young adults, a heightened level of
1. Jessica Gallinelli should hold position in Honeywell and take short position in General Electric Company (GE) simultaneously