
The Creature In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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And they lived happily ever after… Satan has his companions, fellow-devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and detested Mary Shelley The Creature in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus” needs a companionship as every ordinary human. Every man needs a woman, who will able to share moments of happiness and sadness, a woman who will be able to share thoughts and of course a woman who will be able to love a man. In this case the Creature needs a bride. But the problem is that the Creature from the “Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus” is …show more content…

The Creature in Marry Shelley’s “Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus” is not a human because it came to the world in unnatural and some sort of disgust way. Also the Creature did not have a normal human way of developing. “No father had watched my infant days; no mother had blessed me with smiles and caresses. What was I?” (Mary Shelley, “Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus”, page 88) This example demonstrates that the Creature did not have a normal human life, because the Creature is not a human, the Creature is a monster. He is a monster not only because he looks like one, but also he acts like one. He is monster because people treat him like one and the most important that the Creature considers himself as a monster. Victor Frankenstein should not create a bride for the Creature because it would be repeating the same mistake. Giving a life to the Creature was a mistake. “…Hateful day when I received life…” (Mary Shelley, “Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus”, page 88) The Creature many times has said that his creation was a mistake. His unnatural birth has brought nothing positive, only lots of disappointments. His creator admitted that should have not created a life in this irresponsible way. The Creature just exists, he does not live and the Creature is not happy about it. Other people feel nothing to the

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