
Frankenstein, By Mary Shelley

Decent Essays

You Don’t Have to Be a Monster, to Be a Monster.

Find the definition of what a monster is and it means multiple things. Two definitions that are applicable to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein define monster as an imaginary monster that is large, ugly, and frightening or; as a person of repulsively unnatural character that exhibits extreme cruelty or wickedness as to appear inhuman (Oxford English Dictionary). While both meanings differ, the latter definition seeks to give negative character traits to an inhuman monster. However, the creation of a monster should not imply that monsters are inherently cruel or wicked. The traits associated with the term monster are a construct of what people believe inhuman monsters possess. By this logic, …show more content…

"After days and nights of incredible labor and fatigue, I succeeded in discovering the cause of generation and life; nay, more, I became myself capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter,” and yet after so much time spent on this discovery, Victor cannot stomach what he has done, and he cruelly rejects his creation the moment it is animated (Shelley 52). Many of Victor’s close family and friends experience the hatred of Victor’s monster, because they are the only ones that Victor feels any relationship with, but Victor’s relationship with them is unnatural. Victor also only has one friend, Henry Cherval and seems to have difficult time acquiring close relations with others. Victor marries Elizabeth, but his relationship with her seems to be one based more on his possession of her versus one of emotional capacity or love as Victor envisions, “[Elizabeth] was only to be mine" (Shelley 46). Victor sees Elizabeth as a prize or something to be owned, because “promised [himself] that from [his] detested toils it was the prospect of that day when [he] might claim Elizabeth,” that kept him going (Shelley 130). Victor does not perceive the aspects of a mutual relationship, for all of his relations are based off of his own selfishness. Victor is also cruel toward his creation quite often. When Victor first lays eyes on what he has created, he is horrified by what he has done, and he abandons his creation, since he is “unable to endure the aspect of the

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