
How Victor's Creation Became A Monster In Frankenstein

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How Victor’s Creation became a Monster in Frankenstein

The name of Mary W. Shelley somehow hidden behind the fame of her best known work, Frankenstein. The story of Frankenstein has past through the years without being forgotten, while the name of Mary Shelley is unknown to the general public. Following the plot of her own story, Mary Shelley is, somehow, the "victim" of her creation. Frankenstein can be seen as the story of a terrible monster who threatens society. It is the purpose of this essay to illustrate that it is actually society that has made a monster of Frankenstein.

Victor Frankenstein is a young and eminent student who decides to break the bounderies between life and death.
His …show more content…

From the moment in which Victor disowns his creation a hard relation is started between the two main characters , a relation in which both of them mean suffering to the other one.This relation is described by the monster when he says :

"You are my creator , but I am your master ". (p.180).

With these lines , the monster shows that , even though he recognizes that Victor is the one who gave him life ,he is now who decides about his future : now , the monster is ready to make him pay his indifference , he is prepared to return him the suffering that his irresponsability has caused him all through his life and there is just one thing that the monster asks : love .
The monster , from the moment in which is created , is searching for affection , all he wants is feeling that somebody cares about him :

"I intended to reason . this passion is detrimental for me ; for you do not reflect that you are the cause of its excess . If any being felt emotions of benevolence towards me , I should return them an hundred fold ; for that creature 's sake , I would make peace with the whole kind ! .But I now indulge in dreams of bliss that cannot be realised . What I ask of you is reasonable and moderate ; I demand a creature of another sex , but as hideous as myself ; the gratification is small , but it is all that I can receive ,

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